Monday 1 April 2013

Illamasqua Haul!

Hello my beauty boffins!

So this time round I wanted to share with you my haul that I got from Illamasqua which is my all time favorite brand :) I got one of their Mystery Collection boxes which looks a little like this:

The box costs £35 (and they have a 10% sale going on in Debenhams just now, though I'm not sure how long for) and you get 6 full sized products. I'm not sure if or when they rotate their boxes, but you know two of the products that you're getting. For me it was the gold pigment and the eyeliner. I will update when I find out :) I also bought a lipstick.....because they have pretty lipstick....

So here's some reviewings of the individual things I got :D

1. Liquid Metal - Electrum

This is like a cream eyeshadow, absolutely stunning gold colour! It's very highly pigmented and doesn't feel heavy at all when wearing :) I really love this and I can see myself getting this in all it's beautiful variants in the future! 

2. Precision Ink - Glister

 This is a gold-y pink colour liqud eyeliner. Really cute colour and the applicator is quite short which means much easier use! I do like this colour but it isn't something I can see myself using every day. Still love it though!

3. Nail Varnish - Velocity

As any of you know know me well know, I am a girl who likes her purple! I love this colour, it's a very muted purple though it does turn out a little darker than it looks in the bottle. I love the varnish bottles, they're cute! This is a really nice colour and I'm stoked it was in there :D Woo!

4. Nail Varnish - Strike
WOW!! This colour did STRIKE me right in the lovelyness! This blue just isn't done any justice on the camera. It's from a different range than velocity and it's all metallic and shimmery. I would literally paint my room this colour if the bottle was bigger....
Stunning colour and I would definitely buy this one on it's own!

Did I mention I really like this one?

5. Powder Eyeshadow - Fame

Green isn't usually a colour I tend to buy in eyeshadows but this one is really nice! I wouldn't wear it on it's own, maybe in a blend with another colour but it's a really nice mint green colour. Ironically it's Easter and this is rather fitting :D
Very nice powder though, will be using it lots in the future ^_^

6. Powder Eyeshadow - Imagine
When I first saw this colour I was a smidge disappointed. I wasn't too keen on it but thought 'meh I can give it a shot' and I'm SO GLAD that I did! It's more of a sky blue when it's on the skin and its beautiful! Really suprised but I love it.

7. Lipstick - Liv

 This was something I picked up with my box and it is STUNNING!! It's a lovely pale pink colour and it feels great on. It is also a bitch to get off which to be honest I see as a plus to any lipstick, specially pale ones as they tend to come off really easily. However it does take a few swipes of the stick to get some decent coverage, BUT the stunning colour of it makes up for that tenfold :)

So my little Beauties I would say that if you haven't tried illamasqua the beauty box is perfect to give it a shot and see what you think since you get about £90 of products for £35 and its exciting to see! Even if you are a long time illamasqua user it's nice to have the suprise of not knowing what you're getting and you might find some new faves that you wouldn't go for normally :)

Cannot rate this brand enough! It's amazing quality and incredible value for the box. It is a little more expensive but for a make up bag staple it is worth it :)